As parents, it is our job to ensure that our children are consuming age-appropriate media. It is easy to think that putting on a simple parental control on your TV and iPad is enough, but that is not the case. You should take the time to read about the books or movies they want to watch and make sure that they are age-appropriate enough. Of course, this does not mean that you become a helicopter parent, but a cursory search is still a good idea. Now, when it comes to movie adaptations of children’s books, you want to make sure that it is appropriate still. The Black Brothers is a very famous German children’s book that was turned into a movie a few years ago, and if you are interested in watching it, you can visit
The Black Brothers follow the story of Giorgio and his life after being sold off as a chimney sweep and moved to Milan from Switzerland. The main themes of the story revolve around the lives of poor working-class children and the troubles that they had to go through, and at the same time, it talks about the adventures and mischief that come with boyhood and being a child. Now there are some dark moments in the story like the drowning of the other boys at the beginning of the story, and of course the death of Alfredo, Giorgo’s close friend. However, none of these scenes are too graphic or distressing. Yes, some of the themes can be a bit heavy for young children, but at the same time, this was the reality for a lot of young children during war periods, so it is also important to show this to your children. You might think it is too much for them to handle, but children can understand, and if you have a healthy discussion with them about it afterward, things should be okay.